JPP were appointed by Travis Perkins to prepare a Flood Risk Assessment associated with the development of a new builders’ merchants located on Ashley Road, Bournemouth. The primary objective of the report was to present an evidenced-based assessment of the potential risk of flooding and the management of surface water run-off arising from the proposed scheme.
Apart from a small number of temporary structures the site is largely vacant and is located within Flood Zone 1, and therefore at a low risk of fluvial flooding. In addition, the site is at a very low risk of surface water flooding.
The proposed surface water drainage for the scheme will witness a network which is divided into two separate components. The first network will compromise of a piped network draining into a soakaway and second network will drain into buried attenuation (geo-cellular storage).
The drainage strategy included an outfall rate, which was agreed with the Lead Local Flood Authority and the overall network designed to accommodate storms based on a 1 in 100-year event, plus a further allowance for climate change.
Overall, the proposed drainage strategy was design to be fully compliant with local and national policy such that the flood risk considerations did not constitute a reason for a planning objection from the Lead Local Flood Authority.
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